Photos by Emerita Wheeling


Physical Therapy, at its basic level, is a method of treating discomfort in your body, or non optimal performance, caused by injury, trauma, or even unknown onset, by evaluating and assessing the musculoskeletal system. 

At The Pelvic Health Clinic, our approach to Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy involves assessing both the bony structures of the skeletal system, as well as, the muscular and fascial components, i.e. are the muscles too weak and need strengthening? Are the muscles too tight, or caught in chronic holding/clenching pattern(s)? Perhaps the muscles are slightly uncoordinated, tightening when ideally, they would be relaxing, or vice versa. These assessments are all performed through the lens of trauma-informed care.

Though we have a focus on the pelvic region, often there are other contributing factors elsewhere in the body that affect what is going on in the pelvic region. We want to look at it all! For example, if your breathing mechanics are altered by a fractured rib from childhood, your pelvic floor might not be performing optimally, and this could contribute to urinary leakage. So, we want to see what your posture looks like, how you breathe, how you walk. And we want to hear about other areas in your life that may be contributing to your condition, such as work, environment, or other aspects of your health, to see if there are underlying root causes to your pelvic concerns. 

After a comprehensive evaluation, our goal is to develop a treatment plan with you and your goals at the center, creating a plan that is as individualized as you are. Treatment may involve specific exercises to strengthen or lengthen muscles, lifestyle adjustments, such as postural suggestions or sleeping modifications, or retraining muscles with the use of ultrasound and EMG technology. It may also involve manual treatment, such as soft tissue (think muscles and fascia), or joint mobilizations to restore muscular and structural function. We understand that your life may be busy or chaotic and we want to work creatively with you to implement these treatments in a way that is sustainable and motivating for you. We want you to see the progress and desired outcomes you are hoping to achieve in coming to therapy.

Common Conditions Treated: